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Contemporary Chinese Culture in Music: YouTube Videos

A research guide to support students in Ginger Lin's Contemporary Chinese Culture in Music (CHI4322.01) class.

HedgeHog - Wink (刺猬)

崔健 - 一無所有 / Nothing to My Name (by Cui Jian)

Cui Jian sings Nanniwan live performance

Queen Sea Big Shark (后海大鲨鱼), "Wave" (浪潮)

Jay Chou - I'm Not Worthy

周杰倫【龍捲風 官方完整MV】Jay Chou "Tornado" MV (Long-Juan-Feng)

Wanting 曲婉婷 - 我的歌声里 (You Exist In My Song)

Black Panther - 无地自容 (Shameful)

呼吸乐队(The Breathing Band) - 只想请你看着我(Please Look at Me)

眼镜蛇(Cobra) - Illusion

Tang Dynasty - Pathway