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Capacities: Library & Writing Resources: Introduction

This is a guide for faculty members about how the library and undergraduate writing initiative can assist with capacity-based assignments and exercises.


This guide, designed to support faculty, highlights how Crossett Library and the Undergraduate Writing Initiative can assist with capacity-based assignments and exercises.

We have developed lists of exercises, intended to be used in class, and assignments for independent work outside of class. These lists are a menu of possibilities that can be modified to specific courses. Librarians and the Director of Undergraduate Writing Initiatives are always available to come work with classes.

We also hope that this guide serves as a beginning of an ongoing conversation and collaboration as we work together to help our students:

  • Realize the privileges and responsibilities of entering into the scholarly and creative community
  • Value intellectual curiosity in developing questions and learning new investigative methods
  • Respect the original ideas of others
  • Develop awareness of the importance of assessing content
  • Articulate their vision clearly
  • Understand that quest for information goes beyond the mere attainment of facts but also moves toward the nuance of social and ethical context
  • Appreciate the creativity and discovery involved in research