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Italian: Films and Media

This guide is the starting point to help you find the library databases, search tools, and reference sources for Italian.

DVDs and Streaming Services


  • Italiano automatico
  • Italiano automatico is a podcast aimed at beginner and intermediate learners of the language. The host, Alberto, speaks only Italian in the podcast, and he does so in a slow, clear way so that the learner can hear each word and parse the sentences correctly.
  • Max Mondo
  • The “Max Mondo” podcasts focus on Italian sights, culture, food and much more. Whether hearing about excavations of Italy’s historic treasures, ecological issues, Italian holiday celebrations, uses for coral or more, listeners are simultaneously learning valuable Italian language skills.
  • L’italiano vero
  • This chatty podcast covers tons of topics that range from shopping, to world events, to flying and traveling. These episodes are variable in length, so whether you’ve got an hour or only twenty minutes to spare, there’s a podcast that’ll fit your schedule.
  • Vaporetto Italiano
  • “Vaporetto Italiano” podcasts are designed for language learning and feature immersive content. There are a number of cultural topics to choose from, like celebrating holidays in Italy or engaging in social activities. They also cover a multitude of grammar topics so if you’re looking for a place to get a bit of extra grammar into your program, this is a good option.
  • Quattro Stagioni
  • These podcast episodes are mini-stories that cover cultural, everyday topics in a smooth, easy-to-follow format. Vocabulary is conversational but pretty basic. Hear about how to choose a wardrobe, the beauty of Venice, holiday celebrations in Italy and much, much more.
  • Tutti Matti per l’Italiano!
  • Anyone looking for stories or conversations with and by native Italian speakers need look no further. Discussions and conversations about legends, art forms and current events are all in Italian.
  • Alle Otto della Sera
  • This sober, intellectual radio program is from RAI Radio 2, Italy’s public broadcasting. It’s been running for more than a decade and takes up topics in arts, sciences and, in particular, history and covers them with quite a bit of depth over a series of episodes.
  • 2024
  • Produced by Radio 24, this weekly podcast on technology has a roundup of tech news and offers some depth on trends in the sector. Major recurring themes are consumer technologies and video games, but many other areas are covered: computer translations, wireless payments, financial software, chip development, etc.