Course description from the Bennington College Curriculum:
In Italy, they call him simply Eduardo. His legacy is timeless like the texture of humanity that he portrayed in his plays. A playwright, an actor, a poet, a film director, and above all a poignant interpreter of the ephemeral, the Neapolitan Eduardo De Filippo has earned worldwide admiration for his work. This course focuses on his theatrical productions in the years soon after World War II. Students will read and watch the plays performed by him and his company and will focus on the history of post-war Italy and its culture. They will also explore the culture of Naples, the repercussions that regionalism has on the national and international artistic scenes, and get acquainted with De Filippo’s artistic legacy, past and present. The course, conducted in Italian, will culminate in a research and a creative project. Intermediate high and advanced levels combined.
Use encyclopedias and other reference materials to get an overview; expand, or narrow your topic; verify dates, names, alternate spellings, etc.
For information on how to properly cite your work and some excellent links to guides on writing style, check out this library guide.