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Metrics of Prosperity: Data Analysis for Health, Well-Being, and the Economy (PEC2108): Home

This is a research guide for Emma Kast's course Metrics of Prosperity: Data Analysis for Health, Well-Being, and the Economy (PEC2108).

Course Information

Metrics of Prosperity: Data Analysis for Health, Well-being, and the Economy (PEC2108.01)

Emma Kast

This course introduces students to econometric approaches to asking and answering questions about health, well-being, and the economy. The primary aim of the course is to understand how economists analyze data to determine causal effect. We will analyze data sets to ask and answer socioeconomic questions such as: What factors affect a person’s income, and how do we know? How can we identify the underlying causes of and potential solutions for regional variations in healthcare access and outcomes? Students will learn how to run regressions using the Stata statistical software package, becoming familiar with different types of data such as cross-sectional, time series, and panel data. We will also think critically about the quantitative methods that we practice, evaluating their strengths, limitations, and intellectual history.

Office hours: Drop-in Wednesdays 10am-12pm (first come, first served) or by appointment.
Office: Barn 216A
Course location: Commons 327 and Commons 319
Course time: Tues & Fri 2:10 - 4:00

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