This book collects the science-fiction poetry of Sun Ra. The author serves up a traumatic torrent of future shock - deeply personal and critical commentary and unsettling advice to the people of Earth, who fail to acknowledge this planet's role in the universe.
Also available in hard copy at Jennings music library ML410.S978 S86 2010
Compiled and edited by James L. Wolf and Hartmut Geerken
Contains chapter "Brothers from another planet : the space madness of Lee "Scratch" Perry, Sun Ra, and George Clinton"
Chapter from "Off the Planet: Music, Sound and Science Fiction Cinema"
Reprint of 1931 Edition. In this classic work, Ouspenky analyzes certain of the older schools of thought from the East and the West, connecting them with modern ideas and explaining them in light of the most recent discoveries and speculations in newer schools of philosophy and religion. In the course of his research he integrates the theories of relativity, the fourth dimension and current psychological theories.
Complete reproduction of Ani's papyrus, finest ever found. Full hieroglyphic text, interlinear transliteration, word-for-word translation, smooth translation.
Sun Ra: Space is the Place (MPF2146.01)
Michael Wimberly
SUN RA…SPACE IS THE PLACE takes a look at the life of Herman Poole Blount, founder and creator of the Sun Ra Arkestra. Considered a prolific composer of jazz and a pioneer of electronic music, Herman Blount aka Le Sony’r Ra or Sun Ra, was quite controversial for his electronic music and unorthodox lifestyle. He claimed he was of the “Angel Race” and not from Earth, but from Saturn, after experiencing an alien abduction. Sun Ra’s music touched on the entire history of jazz, from ragtime to swing, bebop to free jazz, electronic music and space music. This course examines Sun Ra’s musical timeline with a greater focus on song lyrics, poetry, and his early beginnings and influences. Students will view landmark and related Sun Ra films for its poetic content, as well as present midterm and final projects inspired from the collection. Readings from the book; “Space Is The Place, The Lives And Times Of Sun Ra”, written by John F. Szwed, and “SUN RA Interviews and Essays”, Ed. by John Sinclair, are required.