Charges for accumulated fines are sent to the Business Office at the end of term. If you wish to avoid having fines appear on your student bill you may pay the fines at the library when you return the item. If you have questions or concerns regarding overdue fines please contact Jared Della Rocca. In some circumstances, the library may reduce or waive fines, except for items on reserve or borrowed through interlibrary loan.
Replacement Fees
Charges for lost or damaged items are sent to the Business Office at the end of term. If you wish to avoid having fines appear on your student bill you may pay the fee at the library. If you have questions or concerns regarding replacement fees please contact Jared Della Rocca.
Because replacement fees are determined by the lending library, we can not reduce or waive those fees. If you have questions or concerns regarding interlibrary loan borrowing please contact Kathy Williams.