Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in the following years: 1923 New Hampshire, 1931 Collected Poems, 1937 A Further Range, 1943 A Witness Tree
Russell Loines Poetry Prize, 1931
Gold Medal for Poetry, National Institute of Arts and Letters, 1939
Gold Medal, Poetry Society of America, 1941.
Gold Medal, Limited Editions Club, 1949
Award, Academy of American Poets, 1953
First Annual Poetry Award, Boston Arts Festival, 1954
Medal for Distinguished Service in the Fields of Am. Literature, Theodore Roosevelt Society, 1954
Medal of Honor, New York University 1956
Gold Medal, Holland Society of New York, 1957
Gold Medal for Distinguished Service, Poetry Society of America, 1958
Medal for Achievements in the Arts, Signet Society, Harvard College, 1958
Emerson-Thoreau Medal, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1958
Huntington Hartford Foundation Award, 1958
Congressional Gold Medal, 1960
Edward MacDowell Medal, 1962
Congressional Medal presented by President J. F. Kennedy, 1962
Bollingen Prize in Poetry, 1963
3-26-1874 Birth of Robert Lee Frost, San Francisco, Cal.
6-25-1876 Birth of Jeanie Frost (sister)
5-5-1885 Death of father, Will Frost, in San Francisco.
Family returns to Lawrence, Mass. for burial.
Sept 1888 Robert enters Lawrence High School
May 1890 Robert writes his first poem La Noche Triste
June 1892 Robert graduates from Lawrence High School sharing valedictorian honors with Elinor White.
Sept 1892 Enters Dartmouth. Leaves before end of term.
1893 -1894 Teaches in local schools. Works in the mills.
11-8-1894 First poem published: "My Butterfly: An Elegy"
1895 Works as a reporter, teaches school.
12-19-95 Marries Elinor Miriam White in Lawrence.
9-25-96 First child, Elliott, born to Rob and Elinor.
Sept. 1897 Enters Harvard University.
3-31-1899 Leaves Harvard. Returns to Lawrence.
4-28-1899 Second child, daughter Lesley born.
7-8-1900 First child, Elliott dies.
Oct., 1900 Frost family moves to farm, Derry, N. H.
11-2-1900 Frost's mother, Isabelle, dies of cancer.
5-27-1902 Third child, son Carol born.
6-27-1903 Fourth child, daughter Irma born.
3-29-1905 Fifth child, daughter Marjorie born.
6-18-1907 Sixth child, Elinor Bettina born -dies within days.
11-16-1911 Sells Derry Farm. Lives in Plymouth, N. H. and teaches at N. H. State Normal School.
Sept., 1912 The Frost family sails for England.
10-26-1912 First book of poetry accepted by publisher.
5-15-1914 Second book published
2-13-1915 The Frost family returns to the U. S. Buys farm in Franconia, N. H.
Oct., 1920 Moves to Shaftsbury, Vermont, buys the Stone House.
Dec., 1928 Buys second farm, The Gulley in Shaftsbury.
9-7-1929 Sister Jeanie, dies.
5-2-1934 Daughter Marjorie dies following childbirth.
3-20-1938 Wife, Elinor dies of a heart attack in Florida.
Summer, 1938 Frost rents apartment in Boston.
Sept., 1939 Frost buys The Homer Noble Farm, Ripton, Vt to use as a summer residence.
Oct 9, 1940 Son Carol dies of suicide in Shaftsbury.
Spring, 1941 Frost buys home in Cambridge, Mass
1-29-1963 Frost dies in Boston. Burial in First Church Cemetery Bennington
April, 1913 A Boy's Will, English edition
May, 1914 North of Boston, English edition
Feb, 1915 North of Boston, American edition
April, 1915 A Boy's Will, American edition
Nov, 1916 Mountain Interval
Mar, 1923 Selected Poems
Nov, 1923 New Hampshire
Nov, 1928 West-running Brook
Nov, 1930 Collected Poems
May, 1936 A Further Range
Feb, 1939 Collected Poems
April, 1942 A Witness Tree
Mar, 1945 A Masque of Reason
May, 1947 Steeple Bush
Sept, 1947 A Masque of Mercy
April, 1949 Complete Poems
Mar, 1962 In the Clearing
Spring, 1893 Spring, 1894 Spring, 1895 Spring, 1906 - June 1911 Sept, 1911 - 1912 Jan, 1917 - May 1920 Sept 1921 - 1922 Nov. 1923 - 1925 Sept. 1925 Sept. 1926 - June, 1938 1933 May, 1939 -1943 Sept, 1943 - 1949 Oct. 1949 1938 - 1962 |
Methuen Elementary School Salem District School Private School of Isabelle Moodie Frost Pinkerton Academy New Hampshire State Normal School Amherst College University of Michigan, "Poet in Residence" and "Fellow in Creative Arts" Amherst College, Professor of English University of Michigan, "Fellow in Letters" Amherst College, Professor of English Associate Fellow, Pierson College, Yale University Harvard University, Ralph Waldo Emerson Fellow in Poetry Dartmouth College, George Ticknor Fellow in the Humanities Amherst, Simpson Lecturer in Literature Lecturer, Bread Loaf School of English and Writers' Conference |
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