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The Robert Frost Stone House Museum: Stone House

This is a research guide for Robert Frost Stone House Museum

Select Frost Stone House Articles

Robert Frost Properties

Robert Frost Stone House Museum Shaftsbury, VT

Robert Frost Farm Derry, NH

Frost Place Franconia, NH

Homer Noble Farm Ripton, VT

The Gulley Shaftsbury, VT

Timeline of Frost House

The Robert Frost Stone House was formerly referred to as the Peleg Cole Farm or the Half Stone House.

Historic Timeline of Robert Frost House Owners (1767-1911)

1769 Amaziah Martin (1772-1813) built the house. He is buried in Center Shaftsbury Cementery.

1920 Robert Frost purchases house.

1923 Robert Frost gives the stone house to his son Carol Frost and daughter-in-law Lillian LaBatt 

2002 Friends of Robert Frost purchase property

2017 Friends of Robert Frost give property to Bennington College

Select Books

Stone House

The National Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings-Special Report Sites Associated with Robert Frost, New Hampshire and Vermont

Throughout his life, Frost continued to return to the New England countryside when the weather was good and his schedule permitted. In 1920 he bought the Peleg Cole farm in South Shaftsbury, Vermont, In December of 1923 he purchased a second farm in the area, The Gully, which he kept until after the death of his wife 10 years later In 1940 he acquired the Homer Noble Farm in Ripton, Vermont, and added other farms to it as the years passed. 

Robert Frost resided Intermittently In a handsome stone house near South Shaftsbury, Vermont, between 1920 and 1928. In this house he composed most of the poems contained in New Hampshire, which won him his first Pulitzer Prize in 1924, and in West-Running Brook, published in 1923. The original contours of the house have been altered in the rear by the addition of a clerestory, and three interior walls have been removed. The building is privately owned and not open to the public. 

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